Contact & Location

How to reach us!

Our Oberhof farm is picturesquely located amidst steep slopes, lush meadows and forests. There is a good road that leads to us, which can be mastered even in winter without any problems. The nearest motorway access is about 20 km away from us. 

Detailed directions: 
At the Brixen Nord motorway exit, drive on the main road in the direction of Pustertal/Bruneck, past Mühlbach, until you finally come to Vintl. Here, turn left towards Pfunderertal/Weitental (on the map it is under the Italian place name "Vallarga"). Drive towards Weitental. Once you arrive in Weitental, take the second bridge on your left and follow the sign "Kegelbergstraße". Drive about 4 km up the mountain and then - welcome to your well-deserved holiday!

Our coordinates

Width N: 46.8434778 Length: 11.719943899999976


Oberhof - Fam. Lamprecht | Via Kegelberg 15 | 39030 Weitental Valley / Vandoies | South Tyrol

Unser Service für Dich:

  • Verleih von Wanderkarten
  • Verleih von Rodeln

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